Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Compare and Contrast

    The movie and the book were very similar. There was just a few differences. In the movie i noticed that the only people that had handicapped things were the many characters, Hazel, George, Harrison, and the Ballerinas. The music players didn't have anything on them and they were actually really good at playing music. In the book it states that the TV went off air when the general was shooting Harrison and the ballerina. In the book it also didn't include that Harrison had a bomb and the button to set off the bomb wasn't to the bomb it was to get the TV back on air so people, like Harrison's Father could watch how wrong and incorrect the 2081 year society is.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Politically Correct

                We, as a whole society, are in a very similar situation as in the story Harrison Bergeron. We are handicapped into believing the government is right and this is what has to be done and said to be equal. What needs to happen is the exact opposite. We are not physically handicapped, with things in our ears to distract us or masks on to hide our beauty but we are handicapped mentally, because we are so programed to be politically correct that we don’t know how to fix it.
                George and Hazel in the story want the ballerinas to actually be good and not be handicapped, so that it would be entertaining. That would be unequal though. They thought a little more and became up with the conclusion that the world would go back to the “dark ages.” They are scared to not be handicapped and in our society we are scared to be handicapped.  In the real world everyone wants to be told the trust and for people to be straight up with each other, but when this happens people don’t like it and get offended. Therefore they are being very hypocritical.
                People cannot say what they are actually thinking, they say what they think people want to hear but actually most of us just want the straight up truth. We have to watch what we say because sensitive individuals might take it the wrong way and blow it out of proportion. For example, people that do not like being politically correct but have to be for their jobs, might rebel and go against the government. This might offend someone Important and they will end up getting in trouble. This goes for the same situation in Harrison Bergeron. Harrison was a very talented, handsome, smart man that did not want to be handicapped because the Handicap General demanded it. So he went to the ballet and made the people in there be like him. He grabbed a ballerina and broke what she had for being beautiful and talented. Then he broke all the musicians handicapped things and made them play music ad he and the ballerina danced. The General heard, came in and shot both the ballerina and Harrison and made the musicians out back on their handicapped things. 

                What I’m trying to get across is that we have to step up to the government, not just one because they’ll shut you down like they did by killing Harrison and the ballerina. We have to get a group, a bunch of people to say, this is not how things should be and we need a change.